This one hour hypnosis exercise is deeply nourishing and restorative.
Best practise is to have a bath or a shower to get your body warm and relaxed, close the curtains, turn off all notifications on phone, laptop etc…
Then get into bed and lie on your back with a pillow under your knees to ensure the muscles supporting your spine are relaxed, put on an eye masks and ear phones, and relax.
You will probably fall asleep within a few minutes, and that’s ok because the expert is talking to your subconscious mind, helping to reduce stress and heal the mind and body.
It’s a beautiful exercise that can reduces stress chemicals in the body and bring it back into balance once more.
This 10 minute mindfulness exercise calms the nervous system, soothes the mind and helps to reduce stress. It can be done anytime of day and is particularly beneficial early evening before bed.
Aim to practise this 7 consecutive days to gain most benefit initially.